Introduction to Stripy
Spherical Triangulations
1 - Triangulations
2 - Predefined Grids
3 - Interpolation
4 - Gradients
5 - Smoothing
6 - Scattered Data
7 - Refinement
8 - Splines in Tension
9 - Voronoi Diagrams
Cartesian Triangulations
1 - Triangulations
2 - Predefined Grids
3 - Interpolation
4 - Gradients
5 - Smoothing
6 - Scattered Data
7 - Refinement
8 - Splines in Tension
9 - Voronoi Diagrams
Worked Examples (with litho 1.0)
Introduction to Litho 1.0
Litho 1.0 global sampling
Crust 1.0 data
Properties of the cratons
Age / Depth for the Oceans