Introduction to Stripy

Introduction to Stripy

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A Python interface to TRIPACK and STRIPACK Fortran code for (constrained) triangulation in Cartesian coordinates and on a sphere. Stripy is an object-oriented package and includes routines from SRFPACK and SSRFPACK for interpolation (nearest neighbor, linear and hermite cubic) and to evaluate derivatives (Renka 1996a,b and 1997a,b).

stripy is bundled with litho1pt0 which is a python interface to the crust 1.0 dataset and the lithospheric part of the litho 1.0 dataset (Laske et al, 2013 and Pasyanos et al, 2014) which both requires and demonstrates the triangulation / searching and interpolation on the sphere that is provided by stripy.

Fig. 1 Sample images created with stripy illustrating the meshing capability: ocean age data can be triangulated on the sphere with no need for points on land. Once stripy ingests your data points, you can sample another dataset to your grid (bathymetry on the right), smooth, find the derivatives of your data, or interpolate to another set of points.



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