Package stripy

Copyright 2017-2019 Louis Moresi, Ben Mather

Stripy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

Stripy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Stripy. If not, see

Stripy source code is available from

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Copyright 2017-2019 Louis Moresi, Ben Mather

Stripy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

Stripy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Stripy.  If not, see <>.

Stripy source code is available from <>


import os as _os
from platform import system as _system

# add '.dll' files if we are on Windows
if _system() == "Windows":
    extra_dll_dir = _os.path.join(_os.path.dirname(__file__), 'extra-dll')
    if _os.path.isdir(extra_dll_dir):
        _os.environ["PATH"] += _os.pathsep + extra_dll_dir
    extra_dll_dir = _os.path.join(_os.path.dirname(__file__), '.libs')
    if _os.path.isdir(extra_dll_dir):
        _os.environ["PATH"] += _os.pathsep + extra_dll_dir

from .spherical import sTriangulation
from .cartesian import Triangulation
from . import spherical_meshes
from . import cartesian_meshes
from . import hybrid_st_meshes
from . import documentation

## The following functions are general across sTriangulations and Triangulations

def weighted_average_to_nodes(x1, x2, data, interpolator ):
    Weighted average of scattered data to the nodal points
    of a triangulation using the barycentric coordinates as

        x1 : 1D array
            x,y or lon, lat (radians)
        x2 : 1D array
            x,y or lon, lat (radians)
        data : 1D array
            1D array of data to be lumped to the node locations
        interpolator : object
            a `stripy.Triangulation` or `stripy.sTriangulation` object
            which defines the node locations and their triangulation

        grid  : 1D array
            contains the results of the weighted average
        norm  : 1D array
            normalisation used to compute `grid`
        count : 1D int array
            number of points that contribute anything to a given node

    import numpy as np

    gridded_data = np.zeros(interpolator.npoints)
    norm         = np.zeros(interpolator.npoints)
    count        = np.zeros(interpolator.npoints,

    bcc, nodes = interpolator.containing_simplex_and_bcc(x1, x2)

    # Beware vectorising the reduction operation !!

    for i in range(0, len(data)):

        grid[nodes[i][0]] += bcc[i][0] * data[i]
        grid[nodes[i][1]] += bcc[i][1] * data[i]
        grid[nodes[i][2]] += bcc[i][2] * data[i]

        norm[nodes[i][0]] += bcc[i][0]
        norm[nodes[i][1]] += bcc[i][1]
        norm[nodes[i][2]] += bcc[i][2]

        count[nodes[i][0]] += 1
        count[nodes[i][1]] += 1
        count[nodes[i][2]] += 1

    grid[np.where(norm > 0.0)] /= norm[np.where(norm > 0.0)]

    return grid, norm, count

def remove_duplicate_points(vector_tuple):
    Remove duplicates rows from N equally-sized arrays
    array = np.column_stack(vector_tuple)
    a = np.ascontiguousarray(array)
    unique_a = np.unique(a.view([('', a.dtype)]*a.shape[1]))
    b = unique_a.view(a.dtype).reshape((unique_a.shape[0], a.shape[1]))
    return list(b.T)



Copyright 2017-2019 Louis Moresi, Ben Mather …


Copyright 2017-2019 Louis Moresi, Ben Mather …


Copyright 2017-2019 Louis Moresi, Ben Mather …


Copyright 2017-2019 Louis Moresi, Ben Mather …


Copyright 2017-2019 Louis Moresi, Ben Mather …


Copyright 2017-2019 Louis Moresi, Ben Mather …


def remove_duplicate_points(vector_tuple)

Remove duplicates rows from N equally-sized arrays

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def remove_duplicate_points(vector_tuple):
    Remove duplicates rows from N equally-sized arrays
    array = np.column_stack(vector_tuple)
    a = np.ascontiguousarray(array)
    unique_a = np.unique(a.view([('', a.dtype)]*a.shape[1]))
    b = unique_a.view(a.dtype).reshape((unique_a.shape[0], a.shape[1]))
    return list(b.T)
def weighted_average_to_nodes(x1, x2, data, interpolator)

Weighted average of scattered data to the nodal points of a triangulation using the barycentric coordinates as weightings.


x1 : 1D array
x,y or lon, lat (radians)
x2 : 1D array
x,y or lon, lat (radians)
data : 1D array
1D array of data to be lumped to the node locations
interpolator : object
a stripy.Triangulation or stripy.sTriangulation object which defines the node locations and their triangulation


1D array contains the results of the weighted average
1D array normalisation used to compute grid
1D int array number of points that contribute anything to a given node
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def weighted_average_to_nodes(x1, x2, data, interpolator ):
    Weighted average of scattered data to the nodal points
    of a triangulation using the barycentric coordinates as

        x1 : 1D array
            x,y or lon, lat (radians)
        x2 : 1D array
            x,y or lon, lat (radians)
        data : 1D array
            1D array of data to be lumped to the node locations
        interpolator : object
            a `stripy.Triangulation` or `stripy.sTriangulation` object
            which defines the node locations and their triangulation

        grid  : 1D array
            contains the results of the weighted average
        norm  : 1D array
            normalisation used to compute `grid`
        count : 1D int array
            number of points that contribute anything to a given node

    import numpy as np

    gridded_data = np.zeros(interpolator.npoints)
    norm         = np.zeros(interpolator.npoints)
    count        = np.zeros(interpolator.npoints,

    bcc, nodes = interpolator.containing_simplex_and_bcc(x1, x2)

    # Beware vectorising the reduction operation !!

    for i in range(0, len(data)):

        grid[nodes[i][0]] += bcc[i][0] * data[i]
        grid[nodes[i][1]] += bcc[i][1] * data[i]
        grid[nodes[i][2]] += bcc[i][2] * data[i]

        norm[nodes[i][0]] += bcc[i][0]
        norm[nodes[i][1]] += bcc[i][1]
        norm[nodes[i][2]] += bcc[i][2]

        count[nodes[i][0]] += 1
        count[nodes[i][1]] += 1
        count[nodes[i][2]] += 1

    grid[np.where(norm > 0.0)] /= norm[np.where(norm > 0.0)]

    return grid, norm, count