Package litho1pt0

Copyright 2017 Louis Moresi

This file is part of Litho1pt.

Stripy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

Stripy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Litho1pt0. If not, see

Expand source code
Copyright 2017 Louis Moresi

This file is part of Litho1pt.

Stripy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

Stripy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Litho1pt0.  If not, see <>.

from . import documentation

import os.path as path
import stripy as stripy
import numpy as np
import subprocess
import shutil as shutil
import pkg_resources

from collections import OrderedDict as _OrderedDict

DATA_PATH  = pkg_resources.resource_filename('litho1pt0', 'data/')
L1pt0_FILE = pkg_resources.resource_filename('litho1pt0', 'data/litho_data.npz')
C1pt0_FILE = pkg_resources.resource_filename('litho1pt0', 'data/Crust1pt0-regionalisation.npz')

## These are the data structures needed to decode the litho1.0 and crust1.0 files

l1_layer_decode = _OrderedDict()
l1_layer_decode["ASTHENO-TOP"   ] =  0
l1_layer_decode["LID-BOTTOM"    ] =  1
l1_layer_decode["LID-TOP"       ] =  2
l1_layer_decode["CRUST3-BOTTOM" ] =  3
l1_layer_decode["CRUST3-TOP"    ] =  4
l1_layer_decode["CRUST2-BOTTOM" ] =  5
l1_layer_decode["CRUST2-TOP"    ] =  6
l1_layer_decode["CRUST1-BOTTOM" ] =  7
l1_layer_decode["CRUST1-TOP"    ] =  8
l1_layer_decode["SEDS3-BOTTOM"  ] =  9
l1_layer_decode["SEDS3-TOP"     ] =  10
l1_layer_decode["SEDS2-BOTTOM"  ] =  11
l1_layer_decode["SEDS2-TOP"     ] =  12
l1_layer_decode["SEDS1-BOTTOM"  ] =  13
l1_layer_decode["SEDS1-TOP"     ] =  14
l1_layer_decode["WATER-BOTTOM"  ] =  15
l1_layer_decode["WATER-TOP"     ] =  16
l1_layer_decode["ICE-BOTTOM"    ] =  17
l1_layer_decode["ICE-TOP"       ] =  18

l1_data_decode = _OrderedDict()
l1_data_decode[ "DEPTH"    ] = 0   # (m)
l1_data_decode[ "DENSITY"  ] = 1   # (kg/m^3)
l1_data_decode[ "VP"       ] = 2   # (m/s)
l1_data_decode[ "VS"       ] = 3   # (m/s)
l1_data_decode[ "QKAPPA"   ] = 4   #   -
l1_data_decode[ "QMU"      ] = 5   #   -
l1_data_decode[ "VP2"      ] = 6   # (m/s)
l1_data_decode[ "VS2"      ] = 7   # (m/s)
l1_data_decode[ "ETA"      ] = 8   #   -

c1_region_descriptor = []
c1_region_descriptor.append("Slow, thin Platform")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Archean (Antarctica)")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Early Archean")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Late Archean")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Early/mid  Proter.,")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Early/mid  Proter. (Antarctica, slow)")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Late Proter.")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Slow late Proter.")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Island arc")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Continental arc")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Slow continental arc")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Extended crust")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Fast extended crust (Antarctica)")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Orogen (Antarctica), thick upper, thin lower crust")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Orogen, thick upper crust, very thin lower crust")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Orogen, thick upper crust, fast middle crust")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Orogen with slow lower crust (Andes)")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Slow orogen (Himalaya)")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Margin-continent/shield  transition")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Slow Margin/Shield (Antarctica)")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Fast Phanerozoic (E. Australia, S. Africa, N. Siberia)")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Normal oceanic")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Oceans 3 Myrs and younger")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Melt affected o.c. and oceanic plateaus")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Continental shelf")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Continental slope, margin, transition")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Inactive ridge, Alpha Ridge")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Thinned cont. crust, Red Sea")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Oceanic plateau with cont. crust")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Caspian depression")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Intermed. cont./oc. crust, Black Sea")
c1_region_descriptor.append("Caspian Sea oceanic")

# This is only useful when converting the original data
_c1_region_decode = _OrderedDict()
_c1_region_decode["D-"]= 0
_c1_region_decode["E-"]= 1
_c1_region_decode["F-"]= 2
_c1_region_decode["G1"]= 3
_c1_region_decode["G2"]= 4
_c1_region_decode["H1"]= 5
_c1_region_decode["H2"]= 6
_c1_region_decode["I1"]= 7
_c1_region_decode["I2"]= 8
_c1_region_decode["J-"]= 9
_c1_region_decode["K-"]= 10
_c1_region_decode["L1"]= 11
_c1_region_decode["L2"]= 12
_c1_region_decode["M-"]= 13
_c1_region_decode["N-"]= 14
_c1_region_decode["O-"]= 15
_c1_region_decode["P-"]= 16
_c1_region_decode["Q-"]= 17
_c1_region_decode["R1"]= 18
_c1_region_decode["R2"]= 19
_c1_region_decode["T-"]= 20
_c1_region_decode["U-"]= 21
_c1_region_decode["X-"]= 22
_c1_region_decode["Z1"]= 23
_c1_region_decode["Z2"]= 24
_c1_region_decode["A1"]= 25
_c1_region_decode["A0"]= 26
_c1_region_decode["B-"]= 27
_c1_region_decode["C-"]= 28
_c1_region_decode["S-"]= 29
_c1_region_decode["V1"]= 30
_c1_region_decode["V2"]= 31
_c1_region_decode["W-"]= 32
_c1_region_decode["Y1"]= 33
_c1_region_decode["Y2"]= 34
_c1_region_decode["Y3"]= 35

###  Initialise the module

_l1_data = np.load(L1pt0_FILE)
_litho_data = _l1_data["litho1_all_data"]
_mesh_coords = _l1_data["litho1_mesh_coords"]
_interpolator = stripy.sTriangulation(np.radians(_mesh_coords.T[2]), np.radians(_mesh_coords.T[0]), permute=True)

_c1_data = np.load(C1pt0_FILE)
_c1_crust_type_lat_lon = _c1_data['latlonDescriptor']

def layer_depth( lat, lon, layerID="LID-BOTTOM"):
    """Returns layer depth at lat / lon (degrees)
    where lat/lon may be arrays (of equal size).
    Depths are returned in metres.

    ## Must wrap longitude from 0 to 360 ...

    lon1 = np.array(lon%360.0)
    lat1 = np.array(lat)

    # ## Must wrap longitude from -180 to 180 ...
    # lon1[np.where(lon1 > 180.0)] = 360.0 - lon1[np.where(lon1 > 180.0)]
    data, err = _interpolator.interpolate( np.radians(lon1), np.radians(lat1),
                                      _litho_data[l1_layer_decode[layerID], l1_data_decode["DEPTH"]], order=1 )

    return data

def crust_type_at(lat=None, lon=None):
    lat, lon (degrees)
    # Get lon into appropriate format

    lats = np.array(lat)
    lons = np.array(lon%360)

    iVals = ((90.0-lats)%180).astype(
    jVals = (lons%360.0).astype(int)

    # i = int((-lat+90.0)%180)
    # j = int(lon)

    t = _c1_crust_type_lat_lon[iVals,jVals]

    # t = _c1_crust_type_lat_lon[i,j]
    # des = litho.c1_region_descriptor[t]

    return t

def property_at_lat_lon_depth_points(lat, lon, depth, quantity_ID="DENSITY"):
    Lat / Lon are in degrees
    Depth in km
    quantity_ID needs to match those in the litho1 model

    Points that are not found are given the out-of-range value of -99999

    nlayers = len(l1_layer_decode)
    shape = np.array(lon).shape

    lon1   = np.array(lon).reshape(-1)
    lat1   = np.array(lat).reshape(-1)
    depth1 = np.array(depth).reshape(-1)
    point_properties = np.empty_like(depth1)

    layer_depths     = np.empty((nlayers, lat1.shape[0]))
    layer_properties = np.ones((nlayers+1, lat1.shape[0])) * -99999.0  # if the point is not found it will end up in the overshoot !

    # should assert here that the three arrays are equal size

    for i in range(0, nlayers, 1 ):
        layer_depths[i], err = _interpolator.interpolate( lon1 * np.pi / 180.0, lat1 * np.pi / 180.0,
                                      _litho_data[i,l1_data_decode["DEPTH"]], order=1)
        layer_properties[i], err = _interpolator.interpolate( lon1 * np.pi / 180.0, lat1 * np.pi / 180.0,
                                      _litho_data[i,l1_data_decode[quantity_ID]], order=1)

    A = -layer_depths
    B = -depth1 * 1000.0
    C = divmod(np.searchsorted(A.ravel(), B), A.shape[1])[0] # YEP - this seems to be the best way !!

    # point_properties = np.diag(layer_properties[C[:],:])

    point_properties = np.empty_like(depth1)
    for i,layer in enumerate(C):

        point_properties[i] = layer_properties[layer,i]

    return C, point_properties.reshape(shape)

def property_on_depth_profile(lat, lon, depths, quantity_ID="DENSITY"):
    Lat / Lon are in degrees
    Depth in km
    quantity_ID needs to match those in the litho1 model

    Points that are not found are given the out-of-range value of -99999


    lon1 = np.array((lon,))
    lat1 = np.array((lat,))
    depths1 = np.array(depths)

    nlayers = len(l1_layer_decode)
    point_properties = np.empty_like(depths)

    layer_depths     = np.empty((nlayers))
    layer_properties = np.ones((nlayers+1)) * -99999.0  # if the point is not found it will end up in the overshoot !

    # should assert here that the three arrays are equal size

    for i in range(0, nlayers, 1 ):
        layer_depths[i], err = _interpolator.interpolate( np.radians(lon1), np.radians(lat1),
                                      _litho_data[i,l1_data_decode["DEPTH"]], order=1)
        layer_properties[i], err = _interpolator.interpolate( np.radians(lon1), np.radians(lat1),
                                      _litho_data[i,l1_data_decode[quantity_ID]], order=1)

    A = -layer_depths
    B = -depths1 * 1000.0
    C = np.searchsorted(A, B)

    point_properties = np.empty_like(depths)
    for i,layer in enumerate(C):

        point_properties[i] = layer_properties[layer]

    return C, point_properties

## This stuff makes a lot less sense for the package ... should be in a setup script.

def preprocess_raw_litho1_data(model_path, truncated_model_path):

    print ("Running text-file processing script (this may take a while)")
    truncation_script = path.join(path.dirname(__file__),"scripts","")
    output = subprocess.check_output([truncation_script, "-r", model_path, "-t", truncated_model_path])

    # now copy the coordinate files as well
    print ("Copying node coordinate data")

    shutil.copy(path.join(model_path,"Icosahedron_Level7_LatLon_mod.txt" ),
                path.join(truncated_model_path,"Icosahedron_Level7_LatLon_mod.txt" ) )

    print ("Done ! ")
    print ("Processed model files can be found in truncated_model_path as *.model_tr ")


def process_raw_litho1_data(model_path):
    Don't forget to strip the model data first
    truncate_raw_litho1_data(model path, truncated_model_path)

    npoints = 40962
    nlayers = len(l1_layer_decode)
    nentries = 9

    litho_data = np.ones((nlayers, nentries, npoints)) * -99999.0

    for model in range(0,npoints):
        model_name = "node"+str(model+1)+".model_tr"
        file = path.join(model_path, model_name)

        thisnodedata  = np.loadtxt(file, usecols=np.arange(0,9), comments="nlayer")
        thisnodeident = np.loadtxt(file, usecols=(9,), dtype=str, comments="nlayer")

        if (model % 1000 == 0):
            print ("Reading node ", model)

        for i, ident in enumerate(thisnodeident):
            litho_data[l1_layer_decode[ident], :,  model] = thisnodedata[i,:]

        ## Post process - not all layers in the model are populated (gives -99999 which is always illegal)
        ## For depth, it makes more sense to have the layer simply have no thickness but appear in the default order

        for layer in range(9,nlayers):
            missing_entries = np.where(litho_data[layer, l1_data_decode["DEPTH"]] == -99999)
            litho_data[layer, l1_data_decode["DEPTH"], missing_entries] = litho_data[layer-1, l1_data_decode["DEPTH"], missing_entries]

    grid_points_location = path.join(model_path,"Icosahedron_Level7_LatLon_mod.txt")
    litho_points = np.loadtxt( grid_points_location )

    return litho_data, litho_points

def write_processed_litho_data(filename, litho_data, litho_points):
    Ensures that the data is stored in a format which is valid for initialising the class

    np.savez_compressed(filename, litho1_all_data=litho_data, litho1_mesh_coords=litho_points)




Copyright 2017 Louis Moresi …


def crust_type_at(lat=None, lon=None)

lat, lon (degrees)

Expand source code
def crust_type_at(lat=None, lon=None):
    lat, lon (degrees)
    # Get lon into appropriate format

    lats = np.array(lat)
    lons = np.array(lon%360)

    iVals = ((90.0-lats)%180).astype(
    jVals = (lons%360.0).astype(int)

    # i = int((-lat+90.0)%180)
    # j = int(lon)

    t = _c1_crust_type_lat_lon[iVals,jVals]

    # t = _c1_crust_type_lat_lon[i,j]
    # des = litho.c1_region_descriptor[t]

    return t
def layer_depth(lat, lon, layerID='LID-BOTTOM')

Returns layer depth at lat / lon (degrees) where lat/lon may be arrays (of equal size). Depths are returned in metres.

Expand source code
def layer_depth( lat, lon, layerID="LID-BOTTOM"):
    """Returns layer depth at lat / lon (degrees)
    where lat/lon may be arrays (of equal size).
    Depths are returned in metres.

    ## Must wrap longitude from 0 to 360 ...

    lon1 = np.array(lon%360.0)
    lat1 = np.array(lat)

    # ## Must wrap longitude from -180 to 180 ...
    # lon1[np.where(lon1 > 180.0)] = 360.0 - lon1[np.where(lon1 > 180.0)]
    data, err = _interpolator.interpolate( np.radians(lon1), np.radians(lat1),
                                      _litho_data[l1_layer_decode[layerID], l1_data_decode["DEPTH"]], order=1 )

    return data
def preprocess_raw_litho1_data(model_path, truncated_model_path)
Expand source code
def preprocess_raw_litho1_data(model_path, truncated_model_path):

    print ("Running text-file processing script (this may take a while)")
    truncation_script = path.join(path.dirname(__file__),"scripts","")
    output = subprocess.check_output([truncation_script, "-r", model_path, "-t", truncated_model_path])

    # now copy the coordinate files as well
    print ("Copying node coordinate data")

    shutil.copy(path.join(model_path,"Icosahedron_Level7_LatLon_mod.txt" ),
                path.join(truncated_model_path,"Icosahedron_Level7_LatLon_mod.txt" ) )

    print ("Done ! ")
    print ("Processed model files can be found in truncated_model_path as *.model_tr ")

def process_raw_litho1_data(model_path)

Don't forget to strip the model data first truncate_raw_litho1_data(model path, truncated_model_path)

Expand source code
def process_raw_litho1_data(model_path):
    Don't forget to strip the model data first
    truncate_raw_litho1_data(model path, truncated_model_path)

    npoints = 40962
    nlayers = len(l1_layer_decode)
    nentries = 9

    litho_data = np.ones((nlayers, nentries, npoints)) * -99999.0

    for model in range(0,npoints):
        model_name = "node"+str(model+1)+".model_tr"
        file = path.join(model_path, model_name)

        thisnodedata  = np.loadtxt(file, usecols=np.arange(0,9), comments="nlayer")
        thisnodeident = np.loadtxt(file, usecols=(9,), dtype=str, comments="nlayer")

        if (model % 1000 == 0):
            print ("Reading node ", model)

        for i, ident in enumerate(thisnodeident):
            litho_data[l1_layer_decode[ident], :,  model] = thisnodedata[i,:]

        ## Post process - not all layers in the model are populated (gives -99999 which is always illegal)
        ## For depth, it makes more sense to have the layer simply have no thickness but appear in the default order

        for layer in range(9,nlayers):
            missing_entries = np.where(litho_data[layer, l1_data_decode["DEPTH"]] == -99999)
            litho_data[layer, l1_data_decode["DEPTH"], missing_entries] = litho_data[layer-1, l1_data_decode["DEPTH"], missing_entries]

    grid_points_location = path.join(model_path,"Icosahedron_Level7_LatLon_mod.txt")
    litho_points = np.loadtxt( grid_points_location )

    return litho_data, litho_points
def property_at_lat_lon_depth_points(lat, lon, depth, quantity_ID='DENSITY')

Lat / Lon are in degrees Depth in km quantity_ID needs to match those in the litho1 model

Points that are not found are given the out-of-range value of -99999

Expand source code
def property_at_lat_lon_depth_points(lat, lon, depth, quantity_ID="DENSITY"):
    Lat / Lon are in degrees
    Depth in km
    quantity_ID needs to match those in the litho1 model

    Points that are not found are given the out-of-range value of -99999

    nlayers = len(l1_layer_decode)
    shape = np.array(lon).shape

    lon1   = np.array(lon).reshape(-1)
    lat1   = np.array(lat).reshape(-1)
    depth1 = np.array(depth).reshape(-1)
    point_properties = np.empty_like(depth1)

    layer_depths     = np.empty((nlayers, lat1.shape[0]))
    layer_properties = np.ones((nlayers+1, lat1.shape[0])) * -99999.0  # if the point is not found it will end up in the overshoot !

    # should assert here that the three arrays are equal size

    for i in range(0, nlayers, 1 ):
        layer_depths[i], err = _interpolator.interpolate( lon1 * np.pi / 180.0, lat1 * np.pi / 180.0,
                                      _litho_data[i,l1_data_decode["DEPTH"]], order=1)
        layer_properties[i], err = _interpolator.interpolate( lon1 * np.pi / 180.0, lat1 * np.pi / 180.0,
                                      _litho_data[i,l1_data_decode[quantity_ID]], order=1)

    A = -layer_depths
    B = -depth1 * 1000.0
    C = divmod(np.searchsorted(A.ravel(), B), A.shape[1])[0] # YEP - this seems to be the best way !!

    # point_properties = np.diag(layer_properties[C[:],:])

    point_properties = np.empty_like(depth1)
    for i,layer in enumerate(C):

        point_properties[i] = layer_properties[layer,i]

    return C, point_properties.reshape(shape)
def property_on_depth_profile(lat, lon, depths, quantity_ID='DENSITY')

Lat / Lon are in degrees Depth in km quantity_ID needs to match those in the litho1 model

Points that are not found are given the out-of-range value of -99999

Expand source code
def property_on_depth_profile(lat, lon, depths, quantity_ID="DENSITY"):
    Lat / Lon are in degrees
    Depth in km
    quantity_ID needs to match those in the litho1 model

    Points that are not found are given the out-of-range value of -99999


    lon1 = np.array((lon,))
    lat1 = np.array((lat,))
    depths1 = np.array(depths)

    nlayers = len(l1_layer_decode)
    point_properties = np.empty_like(depths)

    layer_depths     = np.empty((nlayers))
    layer_properties = np.ones((nlayers+1)) * -99999.0  # if the point is not found it will end up in the overshoot !

    # should assert here that the three arrays are equal size

    for i in range(0, nlayers, 1 ):
        layer_depths[i], err = _interpolator.interpolate( np.radians(lon1), np.radians(lat1),
                                      _litho_data[i,l1_data_decode["DEPTH"]], order=1)
        layer_properties[i], err = _interpolator.interpolate( np.radians(lon1), np.radians(lat1),
                                      _litho_data[i,l1_data_decode[quantity_ID]], order=1)

    A = -layer_depths
    B = -depths1 * 1000.0
    C = np.searchsorted(A, B)

    point_properties = np.empty_like(depths)
    for i,layer in enumerate(C):

        point_properties[i] = layer_properties[layer]

    return C, point_properties
def write_processed_litho_data(filename, litho_data, litho_points)

Ensures that the data is stored in a format which is valid for initialising the class

Expand source code
def write_processed_litho_data(filename, litho_data, litho_points):
    Ensures that the data is stored in a format which is valid for initialising the class

    np.savez_compressed(filename, litho1_all_data=litho_data, litho1_mesh_coords=litho_points)
